Sunday, February 10, 2013

training day number 4

before the drowning, few knew of the basement swimming pool where priests and sometimes nuns would skinny dip to wash away their sins.

today's run was the first long run sunday in 4 weeks. it was good to get out and see if i could still run the distance. today's goal was 8 miles and i finished fine.

it was very cold, below freezing as i headed out with the sunrise. i wore a hat, gloves two shirts with long sleeves and shorts. i do not like running in tights. i did see other men in tights today that confirmed for me that i do not want to wear them myself. i got too much booty in the back for that.

i ran my usual route to duke chapel and then around the perimeter of the sarah p duke gardens. i ran like tina turner slow and easy at first then faster and faster toward the end. nothing rough though only because for me, rough adventures are better off for the movies and not my reality.

i have the rest of the day to enjoy and i hope to do this by staying inside and warm. brrr

here are the stats:

peace and love