she kept asking questions that had no answers because she is the queen.
i ran today for the last time before the race on sunday. it felt good. i did have some shin splints in the first mile. they hurt but i ran through it. i know the splints are related to not taking in enough air and it being cold. when they start, i remember to focus on my breathing and form. soon they are gone and i'm off with the wind.
for the upcoming race i am excited. it should be fun once the race finally starts. it is a bit crazy we have to take buses to the start and park miles away. even if boo drops me off, it has to be before 5:30 am. the race does not start until 7:00 am. if i take the bus i have to be parked by 5:00 am. this will be rough for me since i don't like the cold and it makes me have to pee when i am just standing around in it. i think i will have to do a checked bag with a jacket and sweats. this will be another line i will have to stand in. (mo problems)
the race expo is tomorrow where i pickup my bib and goodie bag. that should be fun. it is on the other side of cary though. i'm going to sneak out of work at 3:00 pm but i'll come back to the office if i have to. i am sure i will have to.
the worst part of the weekend is i will have to eat dinner and get to bed early on saturday night. this is my party night, so the party will be delayed until sunday. i will be a wild running child in search of a beer.
check the stats: (i took it easy and had a fun run)
peace and love