and i ran. i ran so far away. i had a great day. the marathon was big fun. this one was less of a hassle as it was local. i knew people. i ran the 13.1 mile after running the 26.2 mile at obx in november. i got my run on ya'll.
the photo is of the medal i received after passing the finish line. looking at the stats, it was clear i was not in the right corral as i passed 881 runners. this was not my intent but just how things fell.
it was hard for me too. i was elbowed by a runner. he did not have to do that but i understand why he did it. the trail was congested and he wanted to make a point that folks needed to share the trail for two-way traffic. he will get his. i imagine he didn't finish the race.
thank you to my family for the support during training and the all the understanding of the craziness that running these races bring.
i love you!!!
check the stats:
peace and love