Thursday, March 21, 2013

marathon day 3/17/13

he pushed himself into a corner but found that he lived there in earlier times. 

and i ran. i ran so far away. i had a great day. the marathon was big fun. this one was less of a hassle as it was local. i knew people. i ran the 13.1 mile after running the 26.2 mile at obx in november. i got my run on ya'll. 

the photo is of the medal i received after passing the finish line. looking at the stats, it was clear i was not in the right corral as i passed 881 runners. this was not my intent but just how things fell. 

it was hard for me too. i was elbowed by a runner. he did not have to do that but i understand why he did it. the trail was congested and he wanted to make a point that folks needed to share the trail for two-way traffic. he will get his. i imagine he didn't finish the race. 

thank you to my family for the support during training and the all the understanding of the craziness that running these races bring. 

i love you!!!

check the stats:

peace and love

Thursday, March 14, 2013

training day number 18

she kept asking questions that had no answers because she is the queen.

i ran today for the last time before the race on sunday. it felt good. i did have some shin splints in the first mile. they hurt but i ran through it. i know the splints are related to not taking in enough air and it being cold. when they start, i remember to focus on my breathing and form. soon they are gone and i'm off with the wind.

for the upcoming race i am excited. it should be fun once the race finally starts. it is a bit crazy we have to take buses to the start and park miles away. even if boo drops me off, it has to be before 5:30 am. the race does not start until 7:00 am. if i take the bus i have to be parked by 5:00 am. this will be rough for me since i don't like the cold and it makes me have to pee when i am just standing around in it. i think i will have to do a checked bag with a jacket and sweats. this will be another line i will have to stand in. (mo problems)

the race expo is tomorrow where i pickup my bib and goodie bag. that should be fun. it is on the other side of cary though. i'm going to sneak out of work at 3:00 pm but i'll come back to the office if i have to. i am sure i will have to.

the worst part of the weekend is i will have to eat dinner and get to bed early on saturday night. this is my party night, so the party will be delayed until sunday. i will be a wild running child in search of a beer.

check the stats: (i took it easy and had a fun run)

peace and love

training day number 17

the video game console was very hot but he kept blowing his mind with the violent game.

this was the last pub run before the race on sunday. i'm ready.

check the stats:

peace and love

training day number 16

he had to pee so bad in his nightmare that it came through on the bed.

this was the last long run on sunday before the race. it was cold but it went well.

check the stats:

peace and love

training day number 15

the president was not very smart because he thought he was the smartest person in the room.

this run was after a night of too much wine. i could have kept sleeping but boo needed to go to work. so i got up and went running to feel better and sweat it out. it was slow going but it worked to cure the hangover. i felt better and had a much sweeter day than if i hadn't run. i had missed the thursday run due to cold rain so i needed the training.

check the stats:

peace and love

training day number 14

the puddle was huge and he got wet but loved it.

i have not written about my running but i have been running. the race is sunday and i am ready, excited and worried about the weather. i don't like cold and especially if it is raining. unfortunately that is the forecast.

here are the stats:

peace and love

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

training day number 13

pulled into a cycle of drama where the only way out was to take off his clothes, he stayed in and added more bleach to the wash.

today's run was short. it had rained all day. i thought i might would miss it but with only 11 days to go i had too. it was not raining but it was wet. i didn't wear my new shoes but that was dumb because i got shin splints that slowed me down. i did not wear the new shoes because i wanted to keep them clean. that was dumb because i am supposed to be breaking them in. duh.

the route was just over 3 miles and fairly straight forward. this included all 3 bridges and a short trip down main street. since this was all on the sidewalk, the new shoes would have been fine.

i will do my best to make the pub run tomorrow. work is crazy but i will try my best to sneak out.

i also did a cycle class today. i have been doing 3 classes a week. but if things work out, i will do 4 classes this week.

check the stats:

peace and love